Tuesday 8 January 2013

Let us praise God.

Psalm 34:1
''I will praise the Lord at all times.  his praise shall continually be in
my mouth.

Romans 15:11
''Praise the Lord all you gentiles and let all the peoples praise Him.

(Gentiles- non Jews.)

Praise in the book of Psalms is often directed to God.  We should
consider in our hearts all what God has done and does for us.  Praising and thanking God should come natural for us.  Remembering His goodness, and having complete faith in everything He does.  Remember He is our Creator.  He holds everything in His hands.  Remember who He is- loving, just, faithful, forgiving and patient.

Let us praise God, let us give thanks to Him.  What a wonderful way to start the day.

I have a lot to praise God for, and I'm sure you have too.  Waking
up in the morning is enough to praise him, and thanking him for watching over us.

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