Saturday 15 December 2012

jesus our true Friend.

John 15:13
No one has greater love than to lay down his own life for
his friends.

What do we expect of a true friend?  To me it is loyalty,someone whom we can talk to and trust completely, someone who can take
our good and bad sides.  Jesus is our true friend, a friend who would never betray us, nor will ever ignore us.  He loved us so much that he gave his life for us, and without that love we would
not have been saved.

I remember a childrens Hymn I used to sing in Church as a child. 'Be a friend of little children, be a friend to me.  Take my hand and
ever lead me close to thee.'  This hymn was normally associated as being a childrens hymn, but like many of these hymns they go across the board to both adults and children alike.

Jesus is our true friend, and he will not let us down.  Yes, he will take our hand and he will lead us.  and through our walk with him
he will bring us closer to God, and that closeness will feel like we are actually touching him.

Let us strive to be like Jesus.  Let us be a true friend to others, as he
is a true friend to us.

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