Thursday 22 November 2012

Showing Respect to God

Exodus 3:5-6
'Do not come any closer,' God said.  'Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.  'Then he said, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.'  At this Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God.

Like many of you I was brought up to show respect towards my parents.  In the dictionary, respect means: to treat with esteem- to have high regard for someone.  God is our friend, but we must never forget that he is also our sovereign Lord, our Creator and heavenly Father.  To approach him frivolously shows a lack of respect.  when we come before God we must remember who he is
and show him respect.  Do you go before him casually, as if he is just someone your talking to in the street? Or do you go before him
showing the respect he deserves?  Moses took of his sandals (Exodus 3:5-6) showing respect before God and conveying his own

Never forget who you are talking to when you come before God.
Never forget who you are worshipping when you are in church.  God deserves respect.

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