Wednesday 11 April 2012


Matthew 6:14:15
'If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father
will forgive you.  But if you refuse to forgive others your Father
will not forgive you.

As human beings we find it hard to forgive those who have hurt us, whether physically, or verbally.  It is in our nature to retaliate and maybe take revenge.  But that is not the way God wants us to be.  He tells us to ' Forgive as I have forgiven you.' God sent His one and only Son Jesus to die on the cross so that we could be forgiven.

Many years ago someone very close to me hurt me so badly that all I wanted was to get that person out of my life.  Weeks passed, then one day as I was out walking the dogs, God reminded me off His forgiveness to us.  Continually that day the words from God came,'Forgive as I have forgiven you.'  These words hit home and I knew that I had to forgive that person.  I did, and the feeling of hate
left me.  That person was my husband, and if I had continued to be foolish, I would not have been able to forgive myself.  You see my husband died very suddenly five months after I had forgiven him.

If our heavenly Father can forgive us, is it not only right that we forgive also.   

If there is someone who has wronged you, or hurt you in any way
why not go before God in prayer.

Heavenly Father, I choose as an act of my will, regardless
of my feelings, to forgive the person who has wronged me.  I
release them, and I set myself free to your healing.  With your
help, I will no longer dwell on the situation or continue to
talk about it.  I thank you for forgiving me, as I have forgiven
 them.  I thank you for releasing me and taking away the
hatred that was within me.   In Jesus name.  AMEN.

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