Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Learn to Listen

Proverbs 1:33
But whoever  listens to me will dwell safely.  And will be secure,
without fear of evil.

James 1:19
My dear brothers, take note of this:  everyone should be quick to
listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.

Do you listen when someone speaks to you?  I mean truly listen?
Or does it go in one ear and out the other?   Do you listen to God
when he speaks to you, but not only listen, do you act upon what he
tells you?

A few days before Sunday, God gave me one word, that word was 'Listen,' this word was forever coming to mind.  Sunday morning came, and I must admit that I had intended to have that Sunday off
from attending Church.  As time went on I began to feel guilty,I knew then that I had to go.  The Preacher who was speaking that
morning spoke on the word, 'listening.'

Do we truly listen to the quiet word of God speaking to us?  Do we listen and take heed when the Preacher teaches us the Word of God, or do we forget as soon as we leave the Church?  These are 
questions that maybe we should think about and apply to our daily

God says in Proverbs 1:33
Whoever listens to me will dwell safely.  And will secure without 
fear of evil.

Those of us who listens and truly trusts in God need not fear when
problems arise.

Let us learn to listen, not only on a Sunday when a Preacher is speaking on God's Holy Word,but also listen to others whether it be
family, friends, people at work or neighbours.  Do not be quick to
jump in.  As James 1:19 says.......''Everyone should be quick to
listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.''

Let us follow in God's way who listens to us, and pours out compassion to each and every one of us.