Psalm 91:1-2
Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow
of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge,
my place of safety; he is my God and I trust Him.
God is a shelter when we are afraid. The writer of this Psalm had a deep faith
in the Almighty God. God was his protector and he trusted God to carry
him through all the dangers and fears of life. This should also be a picture of
our trust, no matter the hurts and problems we receive we need to trust that
God God will give us strength through difficult times. We need to draw close to
Him. Always remember that He is our Protector and he will rescue you from
every trap (Psalm 91:3). He will also cover you with his feathers and he will
shelter you with his wings, (v4)